
Alberta is home to an estimated 80,000 species, most unstudied and some completely undiscovered.

Specimens collected as part of our monitoring program help to address this knowledge gap. Samples from the field are delivered to the ABMI’s Processing Centre at the University of Alberta to be classified and identified.

Since 2007, our taxonomists have processed over 480,000 specimens, identifying new scientific records for the province and occasionally for Canada. Our work has even led to the discovery and description of a number of species new to science.


Amphibians are unique organisms with both aquatic and terrestrial life stages.

Aquatic Invertebrates

Aquatic invertebrates are important bioindicators and the ABMI samples wetlands across the province on an annual basis.


We use autonomous recording units (ARUs) to monitor birds across the province. So far, we have collected data on over 270 species.


The ABMI collects bryophytes from ecosystems across the province, including wetlands, boreal forests, and the prairies.


The ABMI has data on over 450 species of lichens and allied fungi.


There are over 80 mammal species in Alberta, ranging from tiny voles to the mighty moose.

Soil Mites

Over 380 oribatid mites species have been detected in the province of Alberta.

Vascular Plants

There are roughly 2,100 species of vascular plants in Alberta, including subspecies and varieties; ABMI has detected over 1,600 of these species.


Discover Alberta's Wildlife

Discover more about the many taxa we monitor and report on: amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, birds, bryophytes, lichens, mammal, soil mites, and vascular plants.